But app needs some improvement. I didnt use it last year and was hoping I can use it this year so I dont have to write my list out for each store!
Im procrastinating with my list so far but so far Ive noticed that the categories for each store seems off. An example, JCP has luggages in the apparels category and baby apparel in Arts/Crafts. I find it amusing but kind frustrating because I have to look at each category. I like to view the categories and find the item rather than skim thru the ad.
Another thing Id like to suggest, under my profile settings if there could be an option to set my viewing. I dont like that when I open an ad it takes me the actual ad then I have to select list to change my view. I want to set it at list and every ad I select will populate it in the list view.
Third, could the ads be listed alphabetically or let us sort it alphabetically.
One last thing Id like to add, would be nice to sort items by price if possible. Theres just a few changes that needs to be made and the app will be good as new
Shuggababi about BFAds: Black Friday 2018 Sales, v2.1.0